Cheadle Hulme Net - Homepage

.Cheadle Hulme Partnership
(Established 6 Feb 2002)
The Cheadle Hulme Partnership is a partnership between SMBC and key stakeholders in the Cheadle Hulme Area. It forms part of the District Centres West Regeneration plan.
Homepage Recent Meeting Issues Aims, Objectives, Benefits

Cheadle Hulme District Centre
Cheadle Hulme District Centre
(© SMBC Unitary Development Plan & Ordnance Survey)


  • Welcome
  • Apologies
  • Minutes of PREVIOUS MTG
  • Railway Station Progress
  • Police Update
  • Traders Leaflet
  • Planning Applications
  • Oak Meadow
  • District Centre Ranger
  • Car Parking
  • Highways
  • AOB


Key issues raised so far include:-

  • Poor state of Railway bridges
  • Traffic congestion, especially Station Rd/Albert Rd junction
  • Warren Rd one-way system
  • Oak Meadow
  • 'Free' Parking
  • Christmas lights
  • 'White' street lighting

Key improvements to centre:-

  • 2004 Christmas Lights
  • 2003 Lamposts& Logos
  • Railway bridges netted to remove pigeons (May 2002)
  • Pedestrian signposting (June 2002)
  • Upgrade Christmas lighting planned (Dec 2002)


  • For stakeholders in the Cheadle Hulme Area to work together to secure the future of Cheadle Hulme as a vibrant and sustainable centre
  • To build on the initiatives, work and effort of individuals, local groups and organisations over the past years
  • To help foster a keen sense of pride in Cheadle Hulme and its people
  • To keep watch over the area as it changes, identifying and praising what is good, challenging and seeking to improve what is not good
  • To help promote Cheadle Hulme as a vibrant, healthy and safe area
  • To monitor and comment on issues and changes affecting the centre
  • To act as a networking forum for existing (and new) groups and organisations in the area




October 23rd 2002  #4


  • Oak Meadow improvements update
  • Pigeon clearance continues
  • Station/Bridges cleanup planned
  • Gateway and Station Road lamposts approved - logo to be decided by schools competition
  • Mellor road car park to be lined, lit and landscaped
  • Transport improvements outlined but still no date for MAELR route completion
  • Articles for Citizen newspaper
  • Highway updates: Warren Rd resurfacing & signing, Mellor Rd lighting, Station Rd parking restrictions outside Blockbuster
  • Benches and Bins arrive
  • Take-aways littering problem discussed
  • 3 early morning business seminars held
  • 40th anniversary of CH Shopping centre in Dec 2003



June 26th 2002  #3


  • Michael Ibbotson was appointed Chairman
  • Excellent News: New lights and hanging baskets for Mellor Rd, new pavement under railway bridges, resurfacing of Warren Rd, Cobden access rd parking stopped, 'white' lighting for CH centre.
  • Paul McDerment (SMBC) assessed Oak Meadow and will be putting forward plans for major improvements to its appearance, access etc. and formation of Friends group.
  • Business Watch scheme encouraged by local police.
  • A Design a Partnership Logo competition will be launched in local schools
  • Future Speakers




May 8th 2002   #2 (Summary Only)
  1. Present: Councillor Ingrid Shaw, Councillor John Pantall, Councillor Paul Porgess, Councillor Fred Ridley, Mike Kitson, Mac McLeod, P Waterhouse, Anne Poole, Paul Smith, Graeme Vout, Malcolm Berger, D Lawson, Ann Lees, Bruce Allan, Anthony Curotto, Diana Sheldon, Chris Monkhouse, Mary Monkhouse, Mike Mahon
  2. Apologies: Glenys Paterson, Angela Meldrum, Karen Climpson, Carol Stock, Peter Taylor, Jenny Foster, Anthony Harrison
  3. Minutes of meeting of 27.3.02: Approved
  4. Matters Arising: None
  5. Transportation/Highways: Bruce Allan of the Council's Transportation & Health Policy Team discussed and listened to matters on this issue. Key points includes - Cheadle Hulme has a lot of workers other than retail, has very busy through traffic, the railway attracts commuter parking, the 313 Bus corridor is to be improved, safety issues have to be met.
  6. Lighting Issues:  Manor Rd has poor lighting which may have lead to vandalism, the centre has poor 'yellow' sodium lighting. Christmas lighting is to be placed in the trees at the front of Oak Meadow and on 25 lampposts (Costs £8375, then £500 per annum).
  7. Trees: More tree planting and improved landscaping was required in the centre. problems of carriageway widening versus pavement width were addressed.
  8. Railway Bridges: The issue of their poor appearance was raised again - improvements should be used to promote the centre. Railtrack representatives to be invited. Anti-pigeon netting was now being put in place.
  9. Oak Meadow: Its poor state and underuse were discussed - recommendations to be put to the next meeting.
  10. Business/Traders Association: Chris Monkhouse explained that an inaugural meeting had taken place.
  11. Information flow: Good communications between stakeholders and the Council could develop through the partnership. Participants were reminded of Councillor's surgeries and the Information Centre.
  12. Survey: This was to be conducted to provide data for the District Centre Action Plan.
  13. Chairperson: Members were invited to consider putting themselves forward as chair.
Agreed: To hold bi-monthly meetings after the June meeting.




March 27 2002   #1
  1. Present: G Vout, H Morgan, JM Kitson, D Lawson, Chris Monkhouse, Mac Macleod, Harry Berger, Mrs Sheldon, Peter Taylor
  2. Apologies: K Climpson, Mrs Powell, Mike Mahon
  3. Introductions: GV introduced himself and his role within the Regeneration Section of SMBC and Jenny Foster as Cheadle Hulme Project Officer. Peter Taylor introduced himself as the Crime Reduction Officer for Stockport South.
  4. Elect Chair/Secretary: A request was made and was to be put to the next meeting.
  5. SWOT analysis: An initial survey was undertaken. Results.
  6. Guest Speakers: Suggested that Traffic Engineering, Transportation & Health, Planning & Parks representatives would be invited.
  7. AOB: a variety of concerns were raised:-
    1. Blockbuster Store is increasing congestion through parking on the road - local parking was inadequately signed.
    2. Warren Rd one-way system was not properly enforced, signed, policed and had needless waiting restrictions.
  8. Future Meetings: Next 3 meetings were arranged (24.04.02, 29.05.02, 26.06,02). Later the first 2 were replaced by 08.05.02.
Agreed: To invite traffic related guest speaker.




February 6 2002   #0

OPEN/PUBLIC MEETING to discuss the need for and possibility of setting up a Cheadle Hulme Partnership Group

  1. Present: Councillor Fred Ridley, Councillor Ingrid Shaw, Councillor Paul Porgess, Graeme Vout, Jenny Foster, Hannah Morgan, Chris Monkhouse, EJ Pimlott, Mac McLeod, Mike Mahon, Gillian Mahon, Stephen Day, Andrew Taylor
  2. Introduction: Councillor Fred Ridley outlined the Council's initiatives.
  3. Cheadle Hulme Website: Mike Mahon outlined the history of the district and the role of this website.
  4. The experience of another district partnership: Andrew Taylor Chair of the Cheadle Village Partnership.
  5. District Centre Partnerships - How they make a difference: Graeme Vout, Team Manager District Centres West Regeneration. The work already undertaken was outlined:-
    1. Booklet - Strategy for District Centres in Stockport
    2. District Centres - Bramhall, Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme, Edgeley, Hazel Grove, Marple, Reddish, Romiley
    3. Surveys: Shoppers Survey 2001, Traders Survey 2001, Centre Detailed maps, Cheadle Action Plan 2001
    4. SUDP -Stockport Unitary Development Plan Review
  6. Question Time: Much of this centred around the Railway bridges and traffic problems and the need to improve the centre and attract shoppers in spite of the new supermarket developments at Cheadle Royal and Handforth Dean.
  7. Close: Councillor Porgess, Cheadle Hulme North
Agreed: To establish a Cheadle Hulme Partnership


SWOT Analysis - Initial Survey - March 2002
  • Variety of independent shops
  • long established shops/businesses
  • Product range
  • Willing landlords to help
  • Personal service
  • Community feeling
  • Safe
  • Little vandalism
  • Multi-purpose
  • Motorway access
  • No empty shops
  • Volume of through traffic
  • Supermarkets
  • Local schools & colleges
  • Anchor shops
  • High disposable income in local community
  • Reputation of some shops
  • Shopping centre
  • post office
  • Parking close to centre
  • Theatres
  • Library
  • Information Centre
  • Web Site
  • Restaurants
  • Oak Meadow
  • Weekend parking charges
  • Double yellow lines
  • Litter
  • Busy roads and fast traffic
  • High level of car ownership
  • Too many charity shops and Estate agents
  • Charity shops trading linked to national chain stores
  • Age of residents
  • Lack of litter bins
  • Inadequate signing to Centre
  • Traffic volume/ congestion / lights
  • Lack of unity between shops
  • Some traders attitude
  • Complacency of traders
  • Poor disabled access (especially pavements)
  • Poor customer care
  • Poorly maintained open space
  • Availability & cost of car parking
  • Create links
  • Need more specialist shops
  • Develop identity i.e. 'Cheadle Hulme Village'
  • Airport (link road)
  • More attractive environment
  • Smarter railway station
  • Increased signing
  • Improved publicity
  • Open Spaces
  • Improve parking provision
  • Develop the shopping experience
  • Develop a delivery service
  • Cheadle Royal
  • Us (we are outdated)
  • Apathy
  • Low level of co-operation
  • Commuters using car parks
  • Vandalism/Crime
  • Trends away from shopping locally





SURVEY - June 2002

SWOT Analysis of Cheadle Hulme District Centre

S What do you think are the STRENGTHS of the centre?
W What do you think are the WEAKNESSES of the centre?
O What OPPORTUNITIES exist in the centre?

Go to Message Board to reply

T What do you think are the THREATS facing the centre?
What could IMPROVE the centre?
Any OTHER comments?






Charitable Trusts Various £50-£200
National Lottery
Awards for All £500-£5000
The Community Fund
The Community Champions Fund Dfee £50-£1500 0161 952 4000
SMBC Area Committee Community Grants Mike Iveson 0161 474 3208
SMBC Community Grants & Voluntary Sector Liaison Rent Grants
Start-Up Grants
Project Grants
0161 474 3276
Finding Funding
Directory of Social Change
Guide to Grants On Line
Funders Online
Access Funds




Stakeholders / Partners

Key Individuals, Groups, Organisations,
Statutory and non-Statutory Bodies

Traders Associations
Residents Associations
Community Council
Impact Groups
Safer Stockport


Local Authority

Regeneration / Policy Planning / Developmental Control
Planning / Estates Services / Land Services
Environmental Health / Highways Maintenance
Car Parking / Traffic Management
Youth Services / DSO / Resource Procurement
Community Development / Economic Development








